Session Pricing

  • All Sessions

    We use concentrated frequency, color, sound, and light waves that spiral (360 degrees) around you as you relax in a zero-gravity chair.

    Every session is customized to each person’s specific needs. Your session within the Egg lasts for 50 minutes (40 minutes of music followed by 10 minutes of silence to help you integrate).

    Receive one free serving of our "Superieur" electrolytes at each session!

  • Harmonic Egg Sessions

    **$85.00 - 1st Session Only

    $125.00 - In-Person Session

    $75.00 - Remote Session

    **This rate is for people who have not yet experienced The Harmonic Egg.

  • Pre-Paid Packages

    See our available packages for discounts on purchases of 3, 6, or 10 sessions!

    Book your first session now and we will schedule your remaining sessions at your visit.

    (Savings of up to $125.00!)

  • Monthly Memberships

    -Members receive 15% off all products.

    -Members can purchase one single session gift certificate for $40 each month to give to family or friends. (Certificates redeemable by new clients only)

    -Add family members and purchase additional sessions at discounted rates

    -Exclusive access to member-only content, pricing, and extended center hours.

    -….PLUS MORE!!!

    *See membership options for full details

*Call the center for our monthly specials and discounts!*